Rajinikanth to work with Bala!

Is Rajinikanth set to work with Bala? Bala’s recent interview to the press only adds strength to the rumors. He had said that his next film will be more commercial with adequate song and dance sequences.
Awestruck by Bala’s ‘Naan Kadavul’, Rajinikanth invited Bala and actor Arya to his house recently and heaped laurels on them.


In the mean time, avid fans of Rajinikanth have expressed their desire that Rajinikanth should work for a movie with Bala. Both are perfectionists. This combination, they opine would certainly work wonders.

According to reports, Rajinikanth had shot a letter to Bala stating that he was impressed with his work that brought the life of ‘Agori’ Saadhus to perfection.

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