Dev D's new trauma: Abhay's no salesman

Abhay Deol’s Dev D is all set for release next week. But the hatke actor says he finds it difficult to promote his films. In fact he says he hates doing it.

“Can I risk saying that the part of films I hate most, is promoting it? It's not about the ego, it's not about projecting an image, it's not about being lazy or anything else you might think. The truth is, I love making movies but I just don't have it in me to sell them. I am an actor not a salesman, but most people seem to think that the two are one and the same,” writes Abhay on his blog, “I find promoting extremely tiring. It basically means I have to answer the same questions (and there are usually three at the most) a 1000 times, in the span of 8 to 9 hours. It usually goes like this - What is the film about? How was it working with the director? and Are you having/had an affair with the actress?”

Deol goes on to add that the real interest of the reporter lies in wanting to know about the actor’s love life rather than his work. “While they have to ask the first two questions, they are most interested in the third one and the rest of the interview almost always focuses on that. With a scandalous headline to match! No wonder most people perceive actors to be sex-starved maniacs.”

“I'm in this business because I love it. Besides the fact that I was never good at anything else, I actually find satisfaction at the end of a long day at the office (which could be anywhere within the country or the globe). I love entertaining people and taking them away from reality for the few hours that a film lasts. I love making them dig deep within their conscience and making them perhaps re-evaluate their lives or even their values. Most of all, I like being in someone else's shoes. It helps me understand myself that much more,” he adds.

The actor says that it is quite tough for to deal with all the attention as he is fiercely private about his life. “We live in a world that is obsessed with celebrity and celebrity lifestyle. I am a very private person and cringe at attention but if I don't get recognized then that simply means no one is watching my work. So recognition is essential but what I find hard to deal with is obsession. Nothing makes me happier than someone coming up to me and saying, "we saw your film and loved it", and nothing makes me blush more than someone wanting to take my picture and my autograph and my phone number,” he says.

And for all his detractors, Deol has a simple message. “I'm so tempted to write about my journey within the industry. About facing prejudice more than the average person, of trying to keep my individuality in the face of an industry that only wants to mould you in the image of a "hero". Of trying to do films that everyone says, "won't work", or with directors that the producers and distributors will not support. But it won't serve any purpose because five films down, that has become my strength and people and critics have responded positively. There are those who say that I have it easy because I am the only one doing the kind of films I do. I'd like them to try and get to do what I have done. If I am reaping the benefits today, it is only because I have been through the worst.”

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