The legendary Bollywood actor, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan who is still working even at his age, writes about Wednesday’s Mumbai Terror Attack on his blog. During the terror attack Mr. Bachchan was asked by some TV channel to voice his opinion and feeling about it, but he says that it disgusted him.
Mr. Bachchan writes on his blog, “The entire day has been spent in front of the TV and watching in anguish and in anger, the proceedings on the streets of Mumbai. My pain has been the sight and plight of my innocent and vulnerable and completely insecure countrymen, facing the wrath of this terror attack. And, my anger has been at the ineptitude of the authorities that have been ordained to look after us… I’m being lured by words such as ‘we need you to speak to express solidarity and for the people to maintain their calm’. This is disgusting! I will not do that. Tell me and order me instead that we require for every Indian to get up and walk into the facilities where the action is on and I will be the first to walk. But, please do not ask me to come and make sloppy statements that will do nothing more than create viewer interest in a said
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