Aamir Khan features on the Cover of GQ

Well, it is a fact that the moment the word perfection utters in the showbiz, the only name that flashes is Aamir Khan . Well, as Ghajini hits the theatres this month, Aamir is bound to be all over the place for sure, and so here the world-famous lifestyle magazine 'GQ' has him on the cover of its latest edition.

If looks could kill, then surely the Killer in Aamir', who is all set to take the whole of not just Bollywood, but the whole universe with his forthcoming release Ghajini.

What makes the cover story even more special is the fact that Karan Johar, allegedly a member of a rival camp in the film industry, has interviewed Khan - for the first time. The result is an entertaining, candid conversation that even Bollywood skeptics would find engaging.

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