Ashish Chaudhary
The worst ever terrorist attack on Mumbai has taken many lives away. It has not only struck to Mubaikars but many foreigners have lost their lives. The terrifying act has also hit Bollywood, as the EMI actor Ashish Chaudhary has lost his sister Monika and bro-in-law in the attack.
Ashish’s sister and bro-in-law got struck into the tragedy as they went to hotel Oberoi Trident to have their dinner at Tiffin along with some pals. Throughout the battle with terrorist, Ashish was hopeful that his sister and brother-in-law will come out of the hale, but unfortunately that didn’t happen. The destiny had already written something else.
“Till the last hostage was brought out by the security forces, the whole family was hopeful that they were alive and well. But that didn’t happen,” said Ashish with tears in his eyes.
He further said, “My father got very worried and immediately called on her mobile. She took the call and told my father in a quivering voice that there were terrorists inside the hotel who were firing at people. After that the call got disconnected. We were totally confused about what to do next and whom to talk to. We rushed to the Oberoi.”
“It’s shocking, really shocking. I still can’t believe that my dear sister and brother-in-law are now no more. I am completely shattered,” added Ashish.
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