Twinkle shy to come out of the house

Waiting for Akshay to return before they can head to police station

After the controversial unbuttoning of hubby Akshay Kumar's jeans in public, Twinkle Khanna is too shy to come out of her house. So much so that she even dreads to venture into her balcony!

Mumbai police had registered a case against them and the organisers of the Lakme Indian Fashion Week after Twinkle unbuttoned her husband’s jeans during a Levi’s fashion show at the just concluded LIFW in Mumbai.

This stunt was aimed at highlighting the Levi’s Unbuttoned campaign but social campaigner Anil Nair found it “vulgar and indecent” and lodged a complaint against Akshay and Twinkle.

Subsequently, they were summoned to the police station. But Twinkle has still not gone there.

It seems Akshay is in Cape Town shooting for a commercial and Twinkle does not want to go to the police station alone. She is waiting for hubby to come back so they can go together.

Meanwhile she is keeping herself under house arrest so that no one spots her, including the cops!

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