Saif Kareena On A Secret Holiday?


Kareena Kapoor is having the time of her life. She is during the best time of her professional life and her personal life couldn’t have been better than this. Guess what… her doting boyfriend Saifoo is planning to take the lady on a secret romantic holiday.

Well the destination is not only a secret for the media but also Kareena. A source reported,

“Bebo divulges that Saif recently told her that they would be taking off on a short break, but refused to tell her where they were going for fear that she won’t be able to keep it a secret. Now, the fashionista’s dilemma is that she has no idea what clothes to pack since she doesn’t know anything about the climatic conditions! But the resourceful star has a solution – get Saif to buy her a brand new wardrobe wherever they are.”

Kareena is one lucky girl I say… Its always a blessing to have a filthy rich beau!!!

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