Kangna was kind of lost in Delhi

Actress Kangna Ranaut has often said that Anurag Basu, the director of Gangster, taught her much of her craft, but the Himachali girl also spent a few months in Delhi.

Here, she modelled and took acting lessons from theatreperson Arvind Gaur. “It’s because of theatre that I’m so comfortable in films,” she says. “Arvind was very kind. I went to him and said, I’m going to Bombay, and I need a sort of crash course in acting. So, he taught me acting specially, just for an hour everyday,” she says. During her months in Delhi, Kangna says, she was “kind of lost. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but at some points in life, you’re like a child in a candy shop. I was doing my own thing in Delhi, and then I felt like going to Mumbai, so I went,” she says.

And after that journey and the one in Bollywood, Kangna is readying for her next release, Raaz 2, which is a horror flick. “I don’t like to watch horror films, but people watch them for excitement,” she says.

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