Akshay’s first release CC2C will be releasing on January 16th followed by Kambhaqt Ishq on May 29th. The makers of DDD are keen to bring their film after a good three to four months of any of Akshay’s previous release. It is for this reason that they have chosen an Eid release after discussing it with Akshay.”
Industry sources claim, Akshay has been involved in discussing the marketing and distribution strategy for DDD as they have gained momentum in recent times. Bollywood filmmakers have been in recent times seen cashing in on big holidays
Cashing in on a big holiday has been the game plan for most big banners and now Akshay too has jumped into the bandwagon being the first one to claim his stake on the Eid weekend. It is learnt that DDD will finish its last schedule in Singapore between mid April to mid May followed by work on post-production.
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