During the rehearsals for a recent awards function, Kareena Kapoor came face to face with her ex-boyfriend Shahid Kapoor. Kareena, who was walking with her buddy Lovely Singh and secretary Zahid, saw Shahid Kapoor at a distance but ignored him and went away.
A souce says, “Kareena was scheduled to perform at the event and had just finished her rehearsals. Kareena decided to take a walk backstage while Shahid (who was also hosting a segment) was making his way towards the same area. Kareena looked like she didn’t notice him, but Shahid was quite surprised to see her.”
Another source says, “It is sad to see that they can’t even exchange a polite hello, though they were once in a relationship. Neither of them has come clean on the reasons for the break-up. But even Kareena’s manager Zahid, who once also managed Shahid, didn’t feel the need to exchange any pleasantries with him.”
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