SRK reached three hours late as usual and the media had to wait for him as newbie Anushka couldn't be unveiled without him. But SRK more than made up when he won everyone over with his infectious energy and unmatched wit.He spoke about Rab Ne, Anushka and Aamir Khan.
I have got a mixed reaction from everyone. Many people liked Suri's character. Insha'allah my fans are with me so they love me in all my films.
Why did it take so long to launch Anushka?
allowed her to speak with her parents twice a day. We have not hidden her in a room where even sunlight cannot reach her. It is just that we hid her from the media.
So do you enjoy working with girls half your age?
How did the idea of the multi-star tribute song come about?
Isn't the song's theme similar to OSO?
Aamir has said that you are famous and your films become hits because you have befriended members of the media. What do you think?
Aamir has put up his Ghajini statues in theatres to compete with your film. What is your reaction?
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