Abhishek and Aishwarya Bachchan have been signed by noted filmmaker Mani Ratnam to play modern day Ram and Sita in his next film which will be an interpretation of the Ramayan. The duo was last seen in the role of husband and wife in Guru and their combination was appreciated a lot. On looking at their sizzling chemistry, Mani has again roped in the couple for his upcoming flick.

The shooting will start as soon as he gets dates from the duo. But it is expected to start very shortly and will go on floor early next year. Mani had also roped in popular actor Govinda for the role of Hanuman. Govinda’s manager Shashi confirmed the news, “Yes, Govinda accepted the role at the very first go. He did not even think twice as Mani Ratnam is such an eminent director and he is making a film on Ramayan. So he gave a double thumbs up.”

Not only Mani Ratnam but also filmmaker Raj Kumar Santoshi had announced his plans for making Ramayan with Ajay and Kajol Devgan in the lead.

So, let’s wait and watch who will sizzle more in the role of Ram and Sita, Ajay-Kajol or Abhishek-Aishwarya.

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